
BR-SmartMedia as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): In this
mode the card receives up to 256 channels of DMX-
512 data transmitted by a PCMACs Animation Control
System, or any other source of DMX-512 data. In a hard-
wareless RealTime PC•MACs system
, up to sixteen
eight-bit wide channels of animation control data is re-
ceived through the BR-SmartMedia’s RS-422 serial port. It
uses the DMX-512 or RealTime serial data to update its
outputs. The BR-SmartMedia will retransmit DMX-512
data from channels 0 to 255 (0 to 15 for RealTime serial
data). The DMX-512/RealTime serial inputs allow the BR-
SmartMedia to be used as a permanent output device
for a Control System, or the DMX-512/RealTime serial
data can be used temporarily until the SmartMedia is
programmed so the BR-SmartMedia can be used as a
'Smart' or ‘Dumb’ Brick.
BR-SmartMedia in DMX-512 Recorder mode: This is a
mode which is used to ‘capture’ an incoming stream of
DMX-512 data. This data can be saved into an
AutoDownload file that can then be used to play back
the sampled DMX-512 just as if it were generated using
a PC•MACs Show Control System. Typically this is used to
sample a lighting system’s output so that the rather ex-
pensive lighting board that the lighting designer knows
and loves can be returned to the rental house. The BR-
SmartMedia then takes the place of the lighting board
in the permanent installation.
A BR-SmartMedia is not normally left in Recorder
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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The ‘Hardwareless Realtime’ Mode of operation of PC•MACs requires a li-
cense be purchased to upgrade PC•MACs from ‘Software-Only’ mode. It
allows you to program and review your shows in Real-Time as they are
being programmed. This requires a security key to be entered and vali-
dated in the PC•MACs software. If you would like to use this feature but
do not have a security key, contact Gilderfluke & Company to have
your software upgraded.