
On the Back of the BR-SmartMedia
The BackPlane connections to the BR-SmartMedia is through a sixty posi-
tion double sided edge connector (thirty connections on each side on .1”
centers). This is normally plugged into a card cage, but can also be used
with an IDS or other discrete edge connectors.
The first ten positions are used for the ‘Smart’ Brick Network and J8 con-
nection ('Smart' Brick Network or optically isolated triggers, Depending on
the position of Switch #4 the ‘Smart/Dumb Brick Switch’) and the primary RS-
422 Serial Port (used for configuration and serial commands). They are nor-
mally bussed between all the cards in the card cage (although they can be
separated by cutting the lines if desired).
The next forty positions are used to connect the majority of the BR-
SmartMedia signals to the output cabling.
The last ten positions are used to provide power to the BR-SmartMedia.
Five pins are used for the positive connection and five are used for ground.
This provides a higher current capacity than single pins would.
The pinout of this connector is as follows:
output wire # Edge pin # color wire function
J8/BrickNet Black 1 brown J8 Common (black)/Smart BrickNet Data -
J8/BrickNet White 2 red J8 ‘D’ (white) input/'Smart' BrickNet Data +
J8/BrickNet Red 3 orange J8 ‘B’ (red) input/'Smart' BrickNet Clock +
Serial Port red #3 4 yellow TxD + out from BR-SmartMedia
J8/BrickNet Green 5 green J8 ‘A’ (green) input/'Smart' BrickNet Clock -
Serial Port Black #2 6 blue TxD - out from BR-SmartMedia
J8/BrickNet Yellow 7 violet J8 Status (yellow) out/'Smart' Brick Strobe +
Serial Port Yellow #5 8 gray Rx + in to BR-SmartMedia
J8/BrickNet Blue 9 white J8 ‘C’ (blue) input/'Smart' BrickNet Strobe -
Serial Port green #4 10 black Rx -in to BR-SmartMedia
Ribbon cable #1 11 brown 1/4 J6 in Ground
Ribbon cable #2 12 red 1/4 J6 in bit 7
Ribbon cable #3 13 orange 1/4 J6 in bit 6
Ribbon cable #4 14 yellow 1/4 J6 in bit 5
Ribbon cable #5 15 green 1/4 J6 in bit 4
Ribbon cable #6 16 blue 1/4 J6 in bit 3
Ribbon cable #7 17 violet 1/4 J6 in bit 2
Ribbon cable #8 18 gray 1/4 J6 in bit 1
Ribbon cable #9 19 white 1/4 J6 in bit 0
Ribbon cable #10 20 black 1/4 J6 in + Supply
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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