
not work with your PC, you may need to get a RS-232 to RS-422
converter to talk to the BR-SmartMedia. To cross wire the RS-
422/RS-485 signals from the BR-SmartMedia to the RS-232 serial
port of an IBM compatible, cross connect the signals as follows:
DB-25 DE-9 Signal Signal from/to BR-SmartMedia
2 3 DATA OUT - Serial data into card (#4 green)
3 2 DATA IN - Serial data out from card (#2 black)
7 5 GROUND Signal Ground (#1 white or #6 blue)
Apple Macintosh Connections: Apple Macintosh computers
have true RS-422 serial ports built in. To connect to the BR-
SmartMedia, the pin out is as follows (view is of male connector
facing the end of the cable):
o + serial data in to card (#5 yellow)
to - serial data in to card (#4 green)
from - serial data out from card (#2 black)
from + serial data out from card (#3 red)
signal ground (#1 blue or #6 white)
The BR-SmartMedia expects to see the serial data in the fol-
lowing format:
BR-SmartMedia responds appropriately to all commands
which are used by other Gilderfluke & Co. serially controlled de-
vices. These are used for configuration, uploading and download-
ing configurations, status inquiries, AutoDownloading show data
to SmartMedia, and serial port RealTime updates. It will ignore all
commands which are not addressed to it, or not appropriate for it
to respond to. This allows it to share the same RS-422 serial buss
with additional BR-SmartMedia, Digital Audio Repeaters, 'Smart'
Brick Brains and any other serially controlled devices. The only re-
quirement is that each unit be addressed to a different location.
Secondary RS-422 Serial Port: This is used for sending serial data
from the BR-SmartMedia while it is in any of the ‘Serial’ modes. It is
compatible with all the RS-422 Serial Ports and protocols used on
Gilderfluke & Company products.
The serial data signals from the BR-SmartMedia are brought
out on the edge connector. In a three slot card cage, hardware
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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