
If you have hooked up the BR-SmartMedia to your computer and it still
doesn't seem to respond to the keyboard, the first thing to check is that you
are attached to the right serial port. The easiest way to do this is to discon-
nect the BR-SmartMedia and short between the Tx data out and Rx data in
pins on the serial port connector on the back of your computer. On all IBMs
and compatibles this means sticking a piece of wire, paper clip, or similar
‘tool’ between pins 2 and 3 on the computer’s 'Com.' connector. While still
running the modem program, anything you type should be shown on the
screen while this paper clip is in place, while nothing will appear when you
remove it. If your computer passes this test, then you are using the right se-
rial port and the problem is most likely the baud rate setting or in your wiring
to the BR-SmartMedia. If you get characters on the screen even with the
paper clip removed from the serial port, it means you probably need to set
the 'echo' mode to 'none' or 'full duplex' and try this test again.
While in configuration, all numeric values are entered in HEXadecimal
(0-9, A through F) or Decimal numbers (0-9), as selected on the menu.
Each number consist of one or more ASCII characters followed by a <RE-
TURN> (<ENTER> on some keyboards). If more characters have been en-
tered before the <RETURN> than are allowed, then the characters already
entered will scroll to the left to make room for the new entries. Once a
command has been invoked, characters can be erased one-by-one by
using the <DELETE> key (<BACKSPACE> on some keyboards). An entire
entry can be erased by hitting the <ESC>ape key. A command can be
canceled altogether by hitting the <RETURN> key (<ENTER> on some key-
boards) or <ESC>ape key after all the characters have been erased or be-
fore any have been entered.
Once you have configured a BR-SmartMedia, you can ‘lock’ the config-
uration by moving the ‘Write Protect’ switch to the ‘Write Protected’ position
from the ‘Write Enabled’ position. This should protect your configuration
from anything short of a lightning hit. The menu will change to show that
the configuration EEprom has been protected and warn you that you can
no longer make any changes. Configuration changes can be re-enabled
at any time by moving the switch back to the ‘Enabled’ position.
If you want to keep a hard copy printout of the current configuration of
the BR-SmartMedia, you should use the <ESC>ape key to redraw the
screen while saving the print in the modem program running on your com-
puter. This file can then be printed out at any time.
To enter the configuration mode you need to type the following. The
(address) is replaced by the HEX value set on the ADDRESS switches on the
front of the BR-SmartMedia:
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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