User guide

mands without having to enter all 80 characters. Doing so will conclude (not abort) the string entry com-
mands. Al other commands are aborted by entering an <ESC>ape key.
If you want to keep a hard copy printout of the current configuration of the RTU/FSK, you should use
the <ESC>ape key to redraw the screen while saving the print in the modem program running on your
computer. This file can then be printed out at any time.
a) Tape deck pulse- This command is used to set how long (in 10ths of seconds) the relay clo-
sures sent to tape deck will remain closed. This command is used only in FSK mode.
b) FSK/DMX dropout- This command is used to set how long of a gap (in 10ths of seconds)is al-
lowed before the FSK/RTU assumes that the data has been well and truly lost. If running from
FSK data, this will start the ‘FSK Intershow’ timer when it runs out. If it is installed and enabled,
both FSK and DMX-512 controlled units will start outputting data from their on-board se-
quencer EPROM after this timer has expired.
c) FSK intershow- This command is used to set how long of a gap (in seconds)to allow between
shows on a tape. If FSK data from the next show on the tape is found before this timer expires,
the FSK/RTU will send out its STOP string and start the countdown to the next show. If this timer
does expire, then the FSK/RTU will send out its REWIND string and start the countdown to the
next show. This command is used only in FSK mode.
d) FSK startup- This command is used to set how long of a gap (in seconds)after sending a START
sequence to wait before receiving FSK data. If this timer expires, then a REWIND sequence will
be started and a new countdown to the next show will be initiated. This command is used only
in FSK mode.
e) Minimum rewind- Because the delay between shows can be shorter than the time the tape
deck requires to rewind the tape, this value (in seconds) will automatically be used for the
delay between shows after a rewind if it is larger than the currently selected delay. This com-
mand is used only in FSK mode.
f) Set FSK time delays- This command is used to set the sixteen possible different delays the
users can select from the rotary switch on the front of the FSK/RTU for the delays between
shows. Any delay between 0000 (none) and 9999 seconds can be used. This command is
used only in FSK mode.
g) Enter strings- STRINGS are the ASCII characters and commands which you can tell the
FSK/RTU to send at the start or end of any show through its serial port. The Strings used in the
FSK/RTU are similar to those used in PC•MACs or the Smart Brick Animation Control Systems.
They are used primarily to talk to LaserDisk and Compact Disc players or just to tell the FSK/RTU
to close the contacts on its tape deck control outputs. They can also be used to send com-
mands through the serial port to any other piece of show equipment that needs a serial input
to start or stop it, or even just to print on a monitoring screen that a show has started or
When using the FSK/RTU with a LaserDisk or Compact Disc, you will typically use the STOP
string to pause the player, the PLAY string to tell the player to start playing, and the REWIND
string to spin up the disk and position the player to the beginning of the first show.
Please see the section on this manual on STRING SETUP for more details on their care and
h) Sequencer enabled- This toggle is used to enable the sequencer EPROM, if it has been in-
stalled. When enabled, the show data stored in the sequencer EPROM will be played back as
long as there is no FSK or DMX-512 data being received. Valid frame rates are 15 or 30 frames
per second. The sequencer EPROM is programed using a PC•MACs Animation Control system
to program an appropriate animation sequence, which is then downloaded to a ‘multi’ EPROM
file using the ‘Save as EPROM....’ command under the file pulldown menu.
i) Countdown displayed- When this toggle is ‘ON’, the countdowns used when running FSK
based shows will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. This is useful for seeing how these
counters are working. As long as you are not using the serial port for controlling a LaserDisk or
Compact Disc player, you can go ahead and leave this toggle ‘ON’.
GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER ST. • BURBANK, CALIF. 91502-2102 • 818/840-9484 • FAX818/840-9485
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