User guide

On the Front of the FSK/RTU are:
A) Eight Position Dipswitch which is used as follows:
1) Initiate output test #1 when ON. Chases one digital output on at a time.
2) Initiate output test #2 when ON. Chases all digital outputs in a sweeping pattern.
3) Initiate output test #3 when ON. Spells out a difficult to read message on the digital
4) When ON, data sent to the sixteen digital output channels is also mirrored to the op-
tional analog outputs.
5) Use DMX-512 input rather than FSK input when ON. The Sixteen Position Rotary Switch
must be used to select the channels which the FSK/RTU will decode.
6) Depending on condition of switch #5:
a) If using FSK data input (switch #5 OFF): If ON, this switch is used to select the
higher frequency set. These allow up to 32 channels of data at 15 Frames per
Second or up to 16 channels of data at 30 Frames Per Second in the FSK data
stream. The FSK input section must be modified at the factory to support this
mode of operation. To generate FSK data in the proper format for this higher
speed, you must set the FSK data options for the 9375 Hz/12500 Hz option
with 16/32 channels set as appropriate (16 channels if the frame rate is 30
FPS / 32 channels if the frame rate is set to 15 FPS).
b) If using DMX-512 data input (switch #5 ON): If ON, tells FSK/RTU unit to use
checksum found in bytes 256 and 257 to verify DMX-512 data is valid before
updating outputs. This option is recommended for all DMX applications
7) If using higher frequency FSK data (switch #5 is OFF and switch #6 is ON), expect 32
channels at a 15 Frames Per Second rate when ON. When OFF, expect 16 channels
of data at a 30 Frames per Second rate. To generate FSK data in the proper format
for 32 channels of data, you must set the FSK data options for the 9375 Hz/12500 Hz
option with 32 channels of data. The show must be set for a frame rate of 15 Frames
Per Second.
8) Depending on condition of switch #5:
) When using high speed FSK data (switch #5 OFF, AND switch #6 ON), this tells
the RTU/FSK to look for a BREAK character to synchronize with the FSK data (in-
stead of a value of 0A5h). To use this option, the PC•MACs SMPTE card must
be set to generate data in the same format. To do this, turn on dipswitch #6
on the SMPTE card
and set the FSK data options for the 9375 Hz/12500 Hz op-
tion with 16/32 channels set as appropriate (16 channels if the frame rate is
30 FPS / 32 channels if the frame rate is set to 15 FPS).
b) When using DMX-512 data input (switch #5 is ON), this option offsets the out-
puts by 256 channels into the data received. This is used to access DMX-512
channels 256 through 512.
B) Sixteen Position Rotary Switch. Depending on condition of switch #5:
a) If using DMX-512 data input (switch #5 ON): This switch is used to select which chan-
nels of DMX-512 data will be used by the FSK/RTU Unit. DMX-512 addresses are set in
HEX numbers, using this switch to select the upper digit. Normally channels 0 through
255 are selected (00h through FFh). If Dipswitch #8 is turned on, then DMX- address-
es 256 through 511 can be selected (100h through 1FFh).
b) If using FSK data input (switch #5 OFF): This switch selects which delay between shows
is to be used. Sixteen different delay values can be set through the serial port, any of
which can be any length of time ranging from none to 9,999 seconds.
GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER ST. • BURBANK, CALIF. 91502-2102 • 818/840-9484 • FAX818/840-9485
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This option is availible on RTU/FSK firmware revision 2.10 and later only.
This option is availible on SMPTE card firmware revision 1.9 and later only.