User guide

17 violet channel 1 data bit 2
18 gray channel 1 data bit 1
19 white channel 1 data bit 0
20 black + unregulated power supply (protected to 1 amp)
21 brown circuit ground
22 red channel 2 data bit 7
23 orange channel 2 data bit 6
24 yellow channel 2 data bit 5
25 green channel 2 data bit 4
26 blue channel 2 data bit 3
27 violet channel 2 data bit 2
28 gray channel 2 data bit 1
29 white channel 2 data bit 0
30 black + unregulated power supply (protected to 1 amp)
31 brown circuit ground
32 red channel 3 data bit 7
33 orange channel 3 data bit 6
34 yellow channel 3 data bit 5
35 green channel 3 data bit 4
36 blue channel 3 data bit 3
37 violet channel 3 data bit 2
38 gray channel 3 data bit 1
39 white channel 3 data bit 0
40 black + unregulated power supply (protected to 1 amp)
#1 ground (brown)--
#2 bit 7 (red)--
#3 bit 6 (orange)--
#4 bit 5 (yellow)--
#5 bit 4 (green)--
#6 bit 3 (blue)--
#7 bit 2 (violet)--
#8 bit 1 (grey)--
#9 bit 0 (white)--
#10 supply (black)--
#1 ground (brown)--
2 bit 7 (red)--
#3 bit 6 (orange)--
4 bit 5 (yellow)--
#5 bit 4 (green)--
6 bit 3 (blue)--
7 bit 2 (violet)--
#8 bit 1 (grey)--
9 bit 0 (white)--
#10 supply (black)-
eight bit
2.2 K ohm
1/4 watt resistor
Any eight digital devices or one eight bit analog device can be connected to any 1/4 J6
cable as shown. The LED between the ground (pin #1 brown) wire and supply (pin #10 black)
wire acts as an indicator which is lit if the fuse for that channel is OK.
The supply line for each 1/4 J6 is protected by a solid state circuit breaker (PTC Fuse) for 1
amp. You should treat each 1/4 J6 as an individual, and not cross the outputs or supply lines
from one 1/4 J6 to the lines from another. Doing this won’t cause any damage, but can re-
duce the protection for the outputs that the circuit breakers normally provide.
The current output capacity of each output is as shown in the following chart:
GILDERFLUKE & CO. • 205 SOUTH FLOWER ST. • BURBANK, CALIF. 91502-2102 • 818/840-9484 • FAX818/840-9485
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