Owner manual

The Show Cycle Count Advance Input pulse is typically programmed to
take place towards the end of the motion base program. This lets a show
which is aborted for any reason not be counted.
The LCD module that displays the current show cycle count permanently
stores the count each time it is advanced. The count will be retained even if
power is removed from the Kp-300. Please contact the Gilderfluke & Co. fac-
tory if you need a resettable cycle counter.
G) E-Stop Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved E-
Stop condition. The beginning of any E-Stop event stops the HPU (if there is
one), disables the Blocking Valve output and triggers the Smart Brick Sys-
tem to play the E-Stop Show through the Blue ʻE-Stopʼ Input to the Smart
Brick Brain. Calling up the E-Stop show sets the ʻE-Stop Show Runningʼ
output from the Smart Brick System (this must be programmed into the mo-
tion profile of the E-Stop show). This resets the first of the two E-Stop
latches on the Kp-300. At this point you can start the HPU and any shows
that have been enabled in the motion control profile of the E-Stop Show.
If this LED is ON, you should not run the show unless you just want to
see the video and sound, without any motion. If a show is started while there
is still an unresolved E-Stop condition, the Kp-300 can be configured to:
a) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until another show is started
with the E-Stop Buss LED off. This is the safer of the two op-
tions, because the motion base will not start moving until a show
is started cleanly.
b) Lock out the ʻBlocking Valveʼ output until the E-Stop condition is
cleared. This can allow the motion base to spring into movement
if the E-Stop condition is resolved half way through the show.
If you want to disallow shows to be run at all if there is an E-Stop condi-
tion present, you can configure one of the two bypass busses to momentar-
ily (for just one frame) bypass all the possible E-Stop error inputs at the very
beginning of all shows
. At the end of the bypass buss pulse, any error con-
ditions that remain will trigger the E-Stop to keep even the video and audio
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 14 of 75
This technique is flexible enough that you can even leave it out of any maintenance shows that you want to be able to run without