Owner manual

from running. This technique should be used in applications that donʼt use
the Blocking Valve Output. Typical of these are most electric motion base in-
H) Show Pause Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved
Show Pause condition. If this LED is ON, you should not run the show.
When the Show Pause Reset Input from the Smart Brick System goes
, the Kp-300 will be paused. The condition that caused the Show
Pause will then have to be cleared before the current show can be resumed.
Alternatively, the operator can bail out by pressing the E-Stop or running an-
other show that simply gets the operator back to the Load/Unload shows
without triggering an E-Stop.
I) HPU Stop Buss LED
(One red LED)
This LED lights to show that the Kp-300 currently has an unresolved HPU
Stop condition. If this LED is ON, you should not run the show. The Kp-300
will keep the operators from starting the HPU until this condition is resolved.
The error conditions that are typically used to trigger a HPU Stop Buss event
are those which might cause damage to the HPU, Motion base or their rid-
ers. Typical of these are ʻ HPU Oil Level Lowʼ or ʻHPU Over Temperatureʼ
It is not unusual for operators to try to override this type of safety feature.
For this reason, many HPU applications use a number of techniques to lock
out the show if the HPU is turned on locally:
a) The primary technique is to run the HPUʼs 24 vdc ʻHPU Stoppedʼ
and ʻHPU Runningʼ outputs through the ʻAutoʼ position of the
HPU ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch on the way to the Kp-300. By do-
ing this, both the HPU LEDs on the Kp-300 will be off unless the
HPU is in the ʻAutoʼ mode. This has the added advantage of giv-
ing the operators a remote indication of the position of the HPUʼs
ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switch.
b) The ʻAutoʼ position of the HPUʼs ʻHand/Off/Manualʼ switches on
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 15 of 75
Usually at the start any of the Main shows. It is normally programmed as active during the E-Stop and Load/Unload shows