Owner manual

is started and a time after it is stopped where any HPU pressure
sensors inputs will need to be bypassed. Do this by program-
ming the Bypass Buss you are using and Remote HPU Start In-
put to be active at the beginning of the show. The Bypass Buss
needs to be active for the time it takes for the HPU to build up
pressure. If the pressure doesnʼt come up during the time allot-
ted, the Kp-300 will automatically trigger an error condition (ei-
ther E-Stop or Show Pause, as configured).
# If the HPU is to be turned off at the end of the show, then the
Bypass Buss which is being used would be programmed active
along with a pulse on the Remote HPU Stop Input. This allows
the HPU to be stopped without triggering an error condition. If
configured to trigger an E-Stop, the Bypass Buss will also need
to be programmed active during the E-Stop and Load/Unload
shows so that the HPUʼs low pressure wonʼt trigger an error dur-
ing these shows when the HPU is off.
b) Door Sensors: If the door or floor mat sensors inputs are set to
trigger an E-Stop, they will need to be bypassed during the E-
Stop and Load Unload shows. This is because although you
want these inputs to trigger an error while the motion base is in
flight, you donʼt want this to trigger an E-Stop when the doors are
opened for the passengers to be loaded and unloaded.
c) Electric Motion Bases and other Installations that donʼt use
the Kp-300 Blocking Valve Output: If you donʼt want to allow
shows to be run if there is an E-Stop condition present, you can
configure one of the two bypass busses to momentarily (for just
one frame) bypass all the possible error inputs at the very start
of all shows
. At the end of the Bypass Buss pulse, any error
conditions that remain will trigger the E-Stop. This technique
should be used in applications that donʼt use the Blocking Valve
Output. Typical of these are most electric motion base installa-
If you are using the Seat Belt Logging features of the Kp-300, be sure you
donʼt configure the Kp-300 to bypass any inputs that are to be logged during
the time during which they need to be logged. Bypassing an input will con-
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 17 of 75
This technique is flexible enough that you can even leave it out of any maintenance shows that you want to be able to run without