Owner manual

By moving the jumper to the E-Stop position, an input will trigger an E-
Stop show when it opens. Moving it to the Show Pause position will cause
an input to pause the show when it opens. If this input is not being used for
either an E-Stop or Show Pause, it should be removed.
Any condition that triggers an E-Stop will set two latches on the Kp-300
and turn on a flashing red LED for the input that triggered the error condition.
The first of these latches stops the HPU (if there is one) and triggers the
Smart Brick System to play the E-Stop Show through the Blue ʻE-Stopʼ Input
to the Smart Brick Brain. Calling up the E-Stop show sets the ʻE-Stop Show
Runningʼ output from the Smart Brick System (this must be programmed into
the motion profile of the E-Stop show). This resets the first of the two E-Stop
latches on the Kp-300. At this point you can start the HPU and any shows
that have been enabled in the motion control profile of the E-Stop Show.
Starting the next show will reset the second E-Stop latch in the Kp-300.
This will turn off the red LED indicator for the input that triggered the E-Stop
and enable the Kp-300ʼs pause functions (because it has the Show Pause
Reset Input programmed active, the E-Stop show cannot be paused).
When a Show Pause occurs, it turns on a flashing red LED to indicate the
input that caused the error condition. A Show pause can also be initiated by
pressing the ʻShow Pauseʼ button. Initiating a Show Pause sets a latch on
the Kp-300 that tells the Smart Brick System to pause the current show
through a signal on the Green ʻPauseʼ Output to the Smart Brick Brain
This latch can be reset by using the ʻShow Continueʼ button (but only if the
condition that caused the pause has been cleared) or the Show Pause Re-
set Input from the Smart Brick System. This tells the Smart Brick System to
continue the current show through a signal on the Green ʻPauseʼ Output to
the Smart Brick Brain
Clearing the Kp-300 Show Pause latch will stop the red LED that indi-
cates the input which caused the Show Pause from flashing, but not turn it
off. The LED will be turned off only when:
a) The next show is started
b) Another input triggers an E-Stop or Pause condition
The Show Pause Reset output from the Smart Brick System can be pro-
grammed to be active during any show that you donʼt want to be able to
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 30 of 75
In some applications, you may want to call up a different show using this input, instead of pausing the current show.