Owner manual

Sample Shows
Although the Kp-300 has no microcontroller on it of any kind, the Smart Brick System
does. Whether or not the Smart Brick System is mounted on the back of the Kp-300 or
remotely, the configuration for the Smart Brick Brains and motion profiles are identical.
The Kp-300 must be used with Smart Brick Brains with firmware revisions of 1.13 or
When used with a Kp-300, the Smart Brick System is always playing one show or
another. Besides the ʻmainʼ shows that actually move the motion base, there are a
handful of ʻutilityʼ shows you will need to program (usually three). These are used to
prepare the motion base for the next show (turning on or off lights, opening and closing
doors, etc.), flashing the indicator LEDs on the front of the Kp-300 to indicate what the
next options available to the operator are, and to enable and disable the Show Start
Buttons to allow or disallow the operators to start only certain selected shows. Strictly
speaking, most of the utility shows can be as short as a frame or two. This would limit
your flexibility as far as flashing the LEDs on the Kp-300 in artistic patterns, so most are
two or three seconds long.
In the following sample shows, all twenty-four digital outputs that go to the Kp-300, as
well as all six analog axis that move the motion base are displayed. It is on these
twenty-four digital outputs that there must be a small amount of simple ʻhousekeepingʼ
programmed in for the control system to work. These Pc•MACs screen shots and the
sample shows available from www.gilderfluke.com show you what needs to be done. In
most cases you will be able to use the sample shows as a template, and just modify the
length to suit your actual shows.
The most basic configuration requires at least the following shows:
A) E-Stop Show1
B) E-Stop Show2
These are the shows that are called on power up or on any E-Stop event. The
only reason for having two E-Stop shows is so that the first one that plays (at
power-up or when an E-Stop is triggered) will call up the traditional ʻrun for your
lifeʼ video. At the end of the first E-stop show, the Smart Brick typically jumps to
the second E-Stop show. The second E-Stop Show loops back on itself it until the
operator starts a new show. The two shows are normally identical, except for the
first show having the video trigger in it.
The E-Stop shows must:
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 38 of 75