Owner manual

they are automated they usually need to be programmed to open
(or stay open) during the Load/Unload time.
j) (optional) Turn on/off any lights as needed.
k) (optional) You may want to start a visual/audio message to the mo-
tion base passengers during the Load/Unload show.
l) (optional) Sound an alarm or an audio/visual alert can be attached
to any spare digital outputs from the Smart Brick System to alert the
operators of a Load/Unload show. It can even be used to warn peo-
ple standing on the outside of automated exit doors that they may
need to move out of the way.
m)If you are controlling a Moog electric motion base: We typically pro-
gram in a ʻMoog Parkʼ and ʻMoog Resetʼ. The Moog Park will just
move the motion base home if it is engaged. The Moog Reset will
reset any minor error conditions in the PC under the motion base. If
the Moog motion base isnʼt in either of these conditions, these
commands wonʼt do anything.
D) Main Shows
(Up to 252 shows)
These are the shows that are called up by the operator pressing one of
the eight Show Start Buttons. Most (if not all) are the actual shows that con-
tain the motion profile for the motion base
In most cases, there will be a slight delay programmed into the main
shows before the ride motion begins. This gives time for safety warnings,
doors to close, ramps to retract, and to move the base up to the desired
ʻstartingʼ position. When programming your shows, it is never a good idea to
have the audio/video playback triggered on the very first frame of the show.
It is usually better to wait at least one frame or more before the trigger oc-
The Main Shows must:
a) The motion base is programmed with all axis at the starting and
ending at the parked positions. In between, the motion profile for
the ride is programmed.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 43 of 75
One or more shows may be used as additional ʻutilityʼ shows. These may be used for separate unload, preload or load shows that
are called started by the operators. You may also want to use one of these eight shows as a ʻparkʼ show that can be called up from
any of the main shows.