Owner manual

cling on and off between every show is to use an extended load/unload show to
turn off the HPU if the ride isnʼt restarted within a certain period of time.
To do this, just make a new extended length load/unload show. The length of
the show and the delay is up to you. If you want to wait five minutes before the
HPU automatically cycles off, then make this show five minutes long. To do this:
1) Remove any ʻRemote HPU Stop Inputʼ commands from all of your
regular show files.
2) Open your normal Load/Unload show.
3) Move all the channels to the Offline Editing Window.
4) Click anywhere on the screen that is not on an output channel.
5) Press <Control+A to ʻselect allʼ.
6) Under the File menu, select ʻSave as Macro…ʼ. Point Windows to
where you want to save it, give your Macro a name ʻLoad-Unloadʼ
and click ʻOKʼ.
7) Under the File menu, select ʻnew Showʼ. Make it the desired length,
and select the same site file you are using for all of your shows.
ʻSyncʼ should be left set to ʻinternalʼ. Click ʻOKʼ.
8) Open the Offline Editing Window. If all of your channels arenʼt al-
ready being displayed (a leftover effect from step #3 above), move
them all to the OffLine editing window.
9) Click anywhere on the screen that is not on an output channel.
10) Press <Control+A to ʻselect allʼ.
11) Under the file menu, select ʻInsert Multiple Macros….ʼ. Select the
macro you created in step #6 above. Set the number of times to in-
sert to ʻ9999ʼ. Pc•MACs will fill in the entire show with this macro.
12) Go to the end of the show, and draw in a little blip on the ʻRemote
HPU Stop Inputʼ output.
13) If you need to, also draw in the ʻBypass 2ʼ to match.
14) When you build your AutoDownload, set all the ʻMainʼ shows to jump
immediately to this new ʻLong Load/Unloadʼ show. At the end of the
ʻLong Load/Unloadʼ show, jump immediately to the regular ʻLoad/
Unloadʼ show. At itʼs end, it jumps back to itself, just like normal.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 51 of 75