Owner manual

Typically the Show Start Buttons to call up all the shows that are
loaded into Smart Brick System are programmed as active during the
E-Stop and Load/Unload shows. During the main shows, typically
none of them are enabled. If any are enabled, then the user can jump
directly out of the currently running show and into the one(s) that have
been enabled. This is sometimes used to enable a ʻparkʼ show that
brings the motion base home without having to do anything as drastic
as an E-Stop. Any show that is enabled while another show is running
will be enabled even during a show pause. Make sure that if you are
using this technique, that the show that is jumped into has the Show
Pause Reset Input set for at least a few frames at the beginning. Oth-
erwise the new show will begin running, but the Show Pause functions
of the Kp-300 wonʼt be reset (the pause LED will remain lit, and the
next Show Pause event will be ignored). At the end of the pulse on the
Show Pause Reset Input, the Kp-300 will check for an outstanding
Show Pause condition. If one still persists, then the new show will be
If shows must be run in a certain order, you can program this into
the motion profile stored on the Smart Brick System. An example of
this would be a motion base that has separate entrance and exit
doors. The main shows all lead into a show that leaves the exit doors
. The only show that is enabled for the operator is a short
show that closes the exit doors (and maybe turns off the cabin lights)
so that the system is ready to be parked or loaded with the next group
of riders. The operator would start this show once he confirmed that
the cabin was clear. At the end of this show another show is enabled
that opens the entrance door (and turns on the cabin lights). The op-
erator would call this up when it is time to load the next batch of riders.
At the end of this short show, all the possible main shows are enabled
for the operators. One of these would be started once all the riders
were safely seated (and the belts logged, if needed). All of these short
shows can have accompanying audio and/or video if it has been pro-
grammed video player.
The Br-ANA Analog Output Smart Brick can be configured to do an
Ease In whenever the Smart Brick System jumps from one show to
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 56 of 75
If the motion base has exit doors that must be operated only when the operator deems it safe, all the main shows can leave only
the button to jump to a short show that opens the doors enabled for the operators.