Owner manual

2) Six High Current Optoisolated Outputs
These six optoisolated outputs can each sink one amp of current each, or a to-
tal of 1.1 amps on all eight outputs. Whatever you are controlling should be con-
nected between the two pins of the screw terminals. The polarity is shown on the
3) J1 Inputs To The Kp-300 Expansion
One connector is used for the first ten Inputs to the Kp-300 Expansion.
! J1:!1 (-), 14 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #1
! J1:!2 (-), 15 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #2
! J1:!3 (-), 16 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #3
! J1:!4 (-), 17 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #4
! J1:!5 (-), 18 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #5
! J1:!6 (-), 19 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #6
! J1:!7 (-), 20 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #7
! J1:!8 (-), 21 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #8
! J1:!9 (-), 22 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #9
! J1:!10 (-), 23 (+):! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #10
! J1:!11, 12, 13:!! Ground
! J1:! 24, 25:! ! + 24 vdc
The other connector is used for the second ten Inputs to the Kp-300 Expansion.
! J1:!1 (-), 14 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #11
! J1:!2 (-), 15 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #12
! J1:!3 (-), 16 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #13
! J1:!4 (-), 17 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #14
! J1:!5 (-), 18 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #15
! J1:!6 (-), 19 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #16
! J1:!7 (-), 20 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #17
! J1:!8 (-), 21 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #18
! J1:!9 (-), 22 (+):!! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #19
! J1:!10 (-), 23 (+):! Error Input to Kp-300 Expansion #20
! J1:!11, 12, 13:!! Ground
! J1:! 24, 25:! ! + 24 vdc
Each of the error inputs are optoisolated and can be configured to be run from
the same 24 vdc supply as the Kp-300 Expansion, or from an external source of
24 vdc. All of these inputs ʻfail safeʼ. This is to say that they are triggered by an
opening, and would also be triggered if the wires running to them broke open.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Kp-300 Manual / September 4, 2012 4:29 PM / page 70 of 75