Owner's manual

running. The ‘hours’ Smpte supports are 00 through 23 to
give you twenty-four possible Smpte synchronized shows
(Smpte hour ‘00’ is mapped to show number ‘24’ by the
Smart Brick Brain, since 00 isn’t a valid show number).
Any individual show can be as long as an hour. When
told to start running a Smpte show, the Smart Brick Brain
will start listening for any Smpte coming in. When it picks
up a good Smpte signal, it looks at the ‘hour’, and then
checks to see if it is the number of a Smpte synchronized
show, and if so, plays it. Note that if the show number the
Smart Brick Brain expects to be played when it starts lis-
tening for the Smpte is not the show number it actually
receives, it will play the latter. If the show number it re-
ceives isn’t assigned as a Smpte show, then it will display
an error message on the Heads Up Display and not
play anything. For this reason random access com-
mands for Smpte synchronized shows are somewhat at
the mercy of whatever Smpte hour is actually received
from the Smpte source.
If more than twenty-four Smpte synchronized shows
are required, you can use an output from the animation
system to stop the system ‘mid show’. This technique can
be used to break up a single long show into as many
shorter sequences as you would like.
Since Smpte is often provided by an audio or video
tape deck, the Smart Brick Brain has three outputs which
can be programmed to send signals to the tape deck
at the beginnings and ends of the shows. These are typi-
cally used to start, stop and rewind the tape deck. These
outputs are simple relay closures, which can usually be
attached directly to the remote control inputs on a tape
Frame rates supported by the Smart Brick Brain are
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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