Owner's manual

- Panasonic LaserDisk Commands -
Panasonic LaserDisk players are supported on the Rack
Smart Brick Brain ONLY. The only player that this code has been
tested on as of this writing is the AG-LD-30. Other players from
Panasonic are known to have mutually incompatible command
formats, and so are not recommended. A full description of the
commands can be found in the technical publications avail-
able from Panasonic or your Panasonic dealer. You should con-
firm the the usage of these commands for the specific player
you are using.
The Panasonic LaserDisk player only supports disks recorded
in the CAV format when used with the Rack Smart Brick Brain. This
allows up to 1/2 hour per side.
The Panasonic LaserDisk player must be configured for 9600
baud, eight bit data, and one stop bit (4800 baud might also
work in some applications). Other data rates can be used, but
lower baud rates can’t get the data across fast enough for the
Smart Brick Brain while a show is running. Whatever the data rate
used, you must set the Smart Brick Brain, LaserDisk player, and
the terminal or computer you are using to configure the system
to the same speed. If parity is used, then you need to set the
data word length to 7 bits, and the parity to ‘odd’. You must also
set the Smart Brick Brain to recognize ‘odd’ parity as well.
Connections are made as follows:
Panasonic LaserDisk
2 DATA OUT - serial data in to Smart Brick Brain (GREEN)
3 DATA IN - serial data out from Brick Brain (BLACK)
1, 11 or 15 GROUND signal ground (BLUE or WHITE)
The electrical output from PC•MACs is at RS-422 voltage levels
rather than the RS-232 that these LaserDisk players really want to
see. If this causes a problem, or it the wire runs between PC•MACs
and the LaserDisk player are long, then you may want to add a
RS-232 to RS-422 converter to the LaserDisk player.
GILDERFLUKE & CO .205 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BURBANK , CALIFORNIA 91502 818/840-9484 800/776-5972 FAX 818/840-9485
AST COAST /FLORIDA OFFICE 7041 GRAND NATIONAL DRIVE SUITE 128d ORLANDO , FL. 32819 407/354-5954 FAX 407/354-5955
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