User guide

Qbist works best by repeatedly clicking any of the various preview buttons
until a desirable effect is observed. Being run largely on random outputs
based on random inputs, it tends to be not so useful if the user advances
with some strategy. It seems better to simply request new renders repeat-
edly until the user sees something attractive.
13.121 Random Blends
Random Blends is a filter that renders random gradients onto the active layer, and
applies a difference to them. To quote the author, “You’re bound to come up with some-
thing cool eventually.
13.122 Randomize (Hurl, Pick, Slur)
These three filters ( Hurl, Pick, and Slur) are based upon a similar algorithm. Hurl
will create noise using RGB colors. Pick creates noise based on neighboring pixels.
Slur generates a crude melting effect. Randomize Options
As each of the three modes for this plugin share the same interface, only one de-
scription will be provided for this filter. Randomize Settings
Parameter Settings There are three available settings for this filter.
Random Seed: The user may choose to utilize the system time as a seed
for the randomization routine. Time is the safest option to choose for a more
random effect. If a number is selected, the same random seed may be used
across many executions of Randomization to produce similar results.
Randomization (%): This setting dictates the percentage of pixels that will
be considered for randomization. Higher values here should result in more
intense noise.
Repeat: This option sets the number of times that the filter will be run. This
option is of particular interest to those users running Slur.
13.123 Rotate Color Map
The Color Map Rotation filter is used to select a range of colors and replace them
with a differing range of colors both of which are specified by the user.
The main window shows a preview of both the Original and the Rotated images.
Primary controls are found on the Main tab. These are used to select the range of
colors for both the Original and Rotated images. This is achieved by utilizing color
Also contained within the main window is the Misc tab. This tab contains various
options that further control the Color Map Rotation tool. Main Tab