User guide

13.136 Sharpen
The “Sharpen” Filter attempts to focus images. The amount of sharpness can be
chosen. Higher values will lead to more sharpening.
This filter can be very useful for enhancing photos. Of note, however, is that the filter
will accentuate any noise or blemishes.
13.137 Shift
The “Shift” Filter displaces pixels a random amount in the specified direction. Either
horizontally or vertically. Shift Options
Shift Settings
Shift Amount The average amount of displacement can be set in pixels using the Shift
Amount slider.
13.138 Sinus
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13.139 Smooth Palette
This plugin will create a new image that contains palette information derived from
the original image. It will attempt to create a smooth palette. That is, one that contains
a blend between colors. Smooth Palette Options
Smooth Palette Settings
Parameter Settings There are three available options to the user.
Width: Specifies the width in pixels of the derived palette.
Height: Specifies the height in pixels of the derived palette.
Search Time: Dictates how long the filter should spend matching colors to
derive a better, smoother palette.
13.140 Sobel
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Yes you can! Please send a message to with Sobel as the subject
line. Feel free to also include documentation related suggestions or fix requests.