User's Manual

Table Of Contents
PillCam Capsule Endoscopy
156 Lewis Score
When clicking the Lewis Score button, a scoring index is displayed and the currently selected thumbnail is
shown on the right side.
The tool is used for calculating the Lewis Score and is enabled only when all of the following conditions are
The video is a PillCam SB video.
Thumbnail images of the small bowel have been created.
The first duodenal and first cecal images are marked as landmarks.
To use the Lewis score:
1. Click in the ribbon of the Report screen.
The Lewis Score screen appears.
The current thumbnail is visible at the right side of the screen.
The Lewis score (which appears at the top of the screen) and the panel entitled Stenosis (next to
the thumbnail), relate to the entire small bowel.
The left of the screen is divided into three tabs, relating to video tertiles. A tertile is one third of the
small bowel as calculated by the transit time of the PillCam capsule in the small bowel. The 1st SB
Tertile is the proximal third, the 2nd SB Tertile is the middle third, and the 3rd SB Tertile is the
distal third of the small bowel.
2. Select the tertile you are referring to by clicking the appropriate tab. The selected tertile on the color
bar and the thumbnails selected within it are in color, whereas the rest of the color bar and thumbnails
are darkened.
3. Under Villi, select the:
Degree of Appearance
Lewis score Selected thumbnailClose Lewis score screen and
return to the Report screen
Current tertile
Current tertile