User Manual

Appendix: Electrical Safety
Factors that may influence gastric emptying include:
x Medications, therapies, and diseases that alter gastric or small bowel pH.
ICJ is usually found between 2 to 6 hours after gastric emptying, as seen below. ICJ
marks the transition of the capsule from the small bowel into the colon. ICJ marks the
end of SBTT and the start of CTT.
How to find ICJ:
1. Locate gastric emptying
2. Look for a steady rise in pH followed by a plateau.
3. Look for a 1 to 2 unit pH drop between 2 to 6 hours after gastric emptying
x A high amplitude spike in pressure is often seen near ICJ
x After ICJ an erratic pH profile in the colon is characteristic
Figure 11 - ICJ
Body Exit Time
Body exit marks the end of the test as shown below. Body exit marks the exit of the
capsule from the body and the end of WGTT and CTT.