User's Manual

Service Center
Enter a name and number in the phone book
1. Press and hold for 2 seconds until the display shows Enter Name and
a  ashing cursor.
2. Use the keypad to enter the name to be stored. Then, press
3. Enter the phone number to be stored. Then, press
4. Scroll using
or to choose a ringer melody for this name and
number. Press
. The display will show Saved.
Edit a phone book entry
1. Press .
2. Scroll using
or to  nd the entry to edit.
3. Open options by pressing
, then scroll using or to highlight
Edit. Press
4. Edit the name using
or to move the cursor, enter the new
letters, and press
5. Edit the phone number using
or to move the cursor, enter the
new digits, and press
6. Scroll using
or to choose a ringer melody for this name and number