User's Manual

3.5 Security
This page is where you configure the security features supported by this Access Point.
Password: Allow you to change the new login password. Here are the necessary
1. Enter the new password in the “AP Password New:” field.
2. Enter the new password again in the “Confirm” field.
3. Click “Apply
MAC Filter: MAC Filter function controls the MAC of the network devices that are
listed in this table for access authorization or denial. When MAC Filter is enabled,
by selecting the “Enabled” radio box, select one of two choices:
Only deny PCs with MAC listed below to access device
Only allow PCs with MAC listed below to access device
The maximum number of MAC addresses that can be stored is 50. You can browse
through the MAC address saved by selecting the drop-down box.
For any changes made in the security page, click “Apply” for the changes to be