User's Manual

Status: Shows the BSSID associated, which can be used to identify the wireless
SSID: Shows current SSID, which must be the same for the wireless client and AP in
order for communication to be established.
Frequency: Shows the current frequency used for wireless network.
Wireless Mode: Shows the current wireless mode used for wireless communication.
Encryption: Shows the current encryption mode used for wireless network.
TxRate: Shows the current data rate used for transmitting.
Channel: Shows the current channel for communication.
Link Quality: Shows the link quality of the 54Mbps wireless network PCI Adapter
with the Access Point when operating under Infrastructure mode.
Signal Strength: Shows the wireless signal strength of the connection between the
54Mbps wireless network PCI Adapter with the Access Point.
Data Rate: Shows the statistics of data transfer, and the calculation is based on the
number of packets transmitted and received.
3.2 Configuration
This is the page where you can change the basic settings of the Access Point with the