User's Manual

1. Mode Button
SD Card Inserted
: In View mode, press the Mode button once to change to Playback mode or press the
MODE button and hold for 3 seconds to change to Setup mode. In either case, press once again to
change back to View mode
No SD Card Inserted
: In View mode, press the Mode button once to change to Setup mode, press once
again to change back to View mode
2. Cam
In View mode, this selects the camera to view
3. Up
In View mode, this button is tilt-up button.
In Playback mode, whilst playing a file, this button is not operational
In Setup mode, this is an “Up” navigation button.
4. Down
In View mode, this button is tilt-down button.
In Playback mode, whilst playing a file, this is a “Stop” button
In Setup mode, this is a “Down” navigation button.
5. Left
In View mode, this is pan-left button.
In Playback mode, whilst playing a file, this is a “Reverse play” button (you can select the fast reverse video
playing speed time from x 1, x 2, x 4 or x 8)
In Setup mode, this is a “Left” navigation button.
6. Right
In View mode, this is pan-right button.
In Playback mode, whilst playing a file, this is a “Fast forward button” (you can select the fast forward video
playing speed time from x 2, x 4, x 8, x 16, x 32 or x 64)
In Setup mode, this is a right navigation button.
7. OK / Zoom
In View mode, press this key to Zoom x 2 (the panning function is now automatically disabled, although you
can use the Up/Down/Left/Right buttons to adjust the centre of the Zoomed image), press this button again
to revert back to non-Zoom mode and to re-enable the panning function
In Playback mode, press this button to play the selected file. During playing, press this key to pause,
press again continue to play.
In Setup mode, press once to exit the menu and save the settings
8. Talk
In view mode, press and hold this key to start a two way sound communication with the door camera,
release this button to stop audio communication with the door camera (this means you can continue to hear
your visitor, but they cannot hear you).
9. Rec
In view mode, and if an SD card is inserted, press once to start video recording, press again to stop the
recording and save.
10. Open
In view mode, press once to activate the Door Lock Release (if fitted).