User Manual

Start/End the Service
1.Start the Service
Select and click “Start Service” or the “Start Conference”
button in the App to start the service. And the screen will display
the graphic and text information in the established mode.
2.Service Settings
(1) Language
Click the language name in the language column to select the language
of the source and target texts.
Click the switch icon in the language column to switch the language of
the source and target texts.
(2) Shortcut Buttons
Click“ ”in the upper right of the interface to end the current service.
Click“ ”in the upper right of the interface to pause the current service.
Click“ ”in the upper right of the interface to restart the service.
Click ”in the upper right of the interface to empty the current interface.
Click ”in the upper right of the interface to enter the interface of
display settings.
3.Mobile Conference Room
Click“ ”in the upper right of the interface, scan the QR code and enter
the random code to access to the mobile conference room, where you
can switch the languages and check the conference content in real time.