Use and Care Manual

provided and enclosed with each order will also help to limit bacteria growth.
Rinse the bottom part of the stems before placing them in water.
6. Place flowers immediately in your prepared water-filled containers. Ideally,
the wrappers that protect the buds should be kept on while the flowers are
hydrating. Hydration occurs anywhere between four and ten hours. Be sure
to carefully remove the wrappers after hydration occurs.
7. It takes about 24 hours for the true color of each flower to develop. To
ensure longer lasting flowers, continue to keep them out of direct sunlight
and away from heat. Change the water and cut flower stems one inch every
other day. Each time you change the water, add more floral food and be
sure that no leaves sit below the water level.
8. Please keep in mind that roses have 3 to 5 guard petals. These, in many
varieties, are of a different color than the true color of the rose. For example,
white roses may have green guard petals. You can remove them once the
flowers start to bloom.
9. With the passage of time, give your roses a "face-lift" every couple of days
by gently removing any discolored petals and leaves from your flowers.
10. Enjoy.