Owner manual

AEC-7763LC/LD & ARS-2022/2022D
Then, the track as an image file will be loaded into HDD. LCD will show the loading
information as follows.
When loading comes to an end, LCD will show the message as follows.
Press ENT to finish the CD editing, and use ▲ ▼ to confirm Yes or No.
End edit disc
and burn?Yes
Load- P0 -24X Edit
1/10 - > 1/1
Image load OK
The system will ask if you want to keep editing. Please use ▲ ▼ to confirm Yes or
No as shown below.
Continue edit
next Disc?Yes
If you want to keep editing, the current source CD will eject auctomatically, and the
system will ask you to insert another new CD as shown below.
Insert next disc