User's Manual

hours a day when this is set below 90dB SPL. Above that level, the device should not be used for more than
two hours per day. In no case should the sound generator be worn at uncomfortable levels.
i Battery warning information
Batteries, although very small, contain dangerous substances, and should be disposed of carefully. This is
for the safety of you and the environment. Please note:
1. Do not attempt to recharge batteries (Zinc Air) which are not specifically designated as rechargeable
because they may leak or explode.
2. DO NOT attempt to dispose of batteries by burning them. Used batteries are harmful to the environment.
Please dispose of them according to local regulations or return them to your hearing care practitioner.
3. DO NOT place batteries in your mouth. Consult a physician immediately if a battery has been swallowed,
as they can be harmful to your health.
4. Keep batteries away from pets, children and individuals who are mentally challenged.
5. Remove the batteries to prevent leakage when the hearing instruments are not in use for an extended
period of time.
Hearing instrument expectations
A hearing instrument will not restore normal hearing and will not prevent or improve a hearing impairment
resulting from organic conditions. Consistent use of the hearing instrument is recommended. In most
cases, infrequent use does not permit you to attain full benefit from it.
The use of a hearing instrument is only part of hearing rehabilitation and may need to be supplemented by
auditory training and instructions in lip-reading.
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