User Manual

Listen to radio or TV
When listening to the TV or the radio, start out by listening to news commentators since they
usually speak clearly, then try other programmes.
If you nd it difficult to listen to TV or radio, your hearing care professional will be able to give you
advice on available accessories to enhance your listening capabilities for TV and radio.
Cellular phones
Your hearing instrument is designed to comply with the most stringent Standards of Interna-
tional Electromagnetic Compatibility. However, not all cell phones are hearing instrument com-
patible. The varying degree of disturbance can be due to the nature of your particular cellular
phone or of your wireless telephone service provider.
If you find it difficult to obtain a good result while using your cellular phone, your hearing care
professional will be able to give you advice on available accessories to enhance listening
Telephone use
Finding the optimal position for holding a telephone may require practice
for some individuals, and one or more of the following suggestions may
be helpful.
1. Hold the telephone as you would normally.
2. Hold the telephone towards the top of the ear (closer to where the
microphones are).
3. If whistling occurs, it may take a few seconds of holding the telephone in the same position
before the hearing instrument eliminates the feedback.
4. Any whistling may also be decreased by holding the telephone slightly away from the ear.
5. Depending on your individual needs, your hearing care professional may activate a
programme specifically for telephone use.