User's Manual

Making and ending a mobile phone call
When you make a call from your mobile phone, the call will transfer to your headset
automatically (this is subject to phone settings, see you mobile phone User Manual to
find out how to activate this feature).
If your phone does not allow this feature, see your mobile phone User Manual on how
to answer a call with a headset.
To end a call, tap the headset Answer/End button, OR press End/No (or similar) on
your mobile phone.
Answering and ending an incoming mobile phone call
To answer, tap the headset Answer/End button on your headset.
To end a call, tap the headset Answer/End button, OR press End/No (or similar) on
your mobile phone.
IMPORTANT: If you answer a call on your mobile phone handset, certain mobile phone
models will not automatically transfer the call to your headset.
Switching from headset to mobile phone*
You can switch from your headset to your mobile phone during an active call. You might
want to do this if, for example, your headset battery is running low.
Use the menu on your mobile phone to switch from headset to mobile phone during
an active call (see your mobile phone User Manual).
Switching from mobile phone to headset*
It is possible to switch from your mobile phone to your headset during an active call.
Use the menu on you mobile phone to switch from mobile phone to headset during
an active call (see your mobile phone User Manual).
Rejecting an incoming call*
Press the headset Answer/End button when the phone rings to reject an incoming
Depending on your phone settings, the person who called will either be forwarded to
your voice mail or hear a busy signal.
* Mobile phone dependent. Check your mobile phone User Manual for further