User Manual

81-03046 E
Permanent hearing loss may result from long-term exposure to sound at high
volumes. Use as low a volume as possible.
Headsets are capable of delivering sounds at loud volumes and high pitched tones.
Under certain circumstances, exposure to such sounds can result in permanent
hearing loss damage. The volume level may vary based on conditions such as the
phone you are using, its reception and volume settings, and the environment. Avoid
prolonged use of the headset at excessive sound pressure levels. Please read the
safety guidelines below prior to using this headset.
You can reduce the risk of hearing damage by following these safety guidelines:
1. Prior to using this product follow these steps
• Beforeputtingontheheadset,turnthevolumecontroltoitslowestlevel;
• Puttheheadseton;andthen
• Slowlyadjustthevolumecontroltoacomfortablelevel.
2. During the use of this product
• Keepthevolumeatthelowestlevelpossibleandavoidusingtheheadsetin
• Ifincreasedvolumeisnecessary,adjustthevolumecontrolslowly;
• Ringingintheearsmayindicatethatthesoundlevelsaretoohigh;
• Ifyouexperiencediscomfortorringinginyourears,immediatelydiscontinue
• Stopusingtheheadsetifitcausesgreatdiscomfort.
With continued use at high volume, your ears may become accustomed
to the sound level, which may result in permanent damage to your hearing
without any noticeable discomfort.
• Useofaheadsetwillimpairyourabilitytohearothersounds.Usecautionwhile
using your headset when you are engaging in any activity that requires your full
• Ifyouhaveapacemakerorotherelectricalmedicaldevices,youshouldconsult
your physician before using this product.
• Thispackagecontainssmallpartsthatmaybehazardoustochildrenandshould

Summary of content (22 pages)