User's Guide

v0.9 | 10
Questions? Feedback? Please contact Michael Thot or assign him a Task using this template.
Connection Sensitivity
The device’s magnetic connection for charging/data connection is sensitive. Try connecting the
magnetic end to the glasses from back-to-front. You may have to physically hold it together
momentarily for the device to be enumerated and/or initiate charging.
It is advised that you connect the magnetic device end of the USB cable before connecting the
other end to your computer.
See USB Is Connected, But Device Does Not Enumerate for more details.
The Companion App
Profile Beta Mode
Before trying to download the app, make sure your Workplace profile is set to beta mode. If your
profile is not set to beta mode, you will not be able to see the app in the app center.
Installation & Pairing
The companion app is available through the Mobile Home App Center. Search for “Ariane” in
the app center to locate the app. Install the Recommended Version: