Product Manual | [page 9]
Use the battery types recommended by Carmanah
Technologies. Follow the battery manufacturer’s
recommendations for installation and maintenance.
Insulate batteries as appropriate against freezing
temperatures. A discharged battery will freeze more easily
than a charged one.
If a remote or automatic generator control system is used,
disable the starting circuit and/or disconnect the generator
from its starting battery while performing maintenance to
prevent accidental starting.
Wear complete eye and clothing protection when working
with batteries. Avoid touching bare skin or eyes while working
near batteries.
Keep plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery
acid contacts skin, clothing, or eyes.
If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately
with soap and water. If acid enters the eye, immediately
ood it with running cold water for at least 20 minutes and get
medical attention as soon as possible.
Equipment Damage
When connecting cables from the inverter to the battery
terminals, ensure the proper polarity is observed. Connecting
the cables incorrectly can damage or destroy the equipment
and void the product warranty.
Thoroughly inspect the equipment prior to energizing. Verify
that no tools or equipment have been inadvertently left
Ensure clearance requirements are strictly enforced.
Keep all vents clear of obstructions that can prevent proper
air ow around, or through, the unit.
Equipment Damage
Static electricity may damage electronic components. Take
appropriate steps to prevent such damage to the inverter;
otherwise the warranty may be annulled.