User Manual

Mac OS Driver Installation
1. Connect your second monitor to the video adapter (use
the included adapter if needed) and turn it on, then plug
the video adapter into the computer.
2. Insert the driver CD, then double click Driver CD icon on
the Desktop.
3. Choose the Mac folder according to your OS.
4. Double click DisplayLink_Mac_....dmg.
5. At the DisplayLink Installer, double click DisplayLink
Software Installer.pkg.
6. At the Introduction, click Continue for one to two times.
7. At the License, click Continue, and Agree.
8. At the Destination Select , click Continue. Skip this step
if not prompted.
9. At the Installation Type, click Change Install Location if
you want to change the default saving folder; otherwise,
click Install then Continue Installation.
10. Type in Name and Password, click OK or Install Software.
11. Click Restart to complete the installation.