User's Manual

FSM Cable Installation & MEU Activation
Page 18 of 43 Rev. 1A, Rev. Date: 8/31/2006
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Appendix C – MEU Suspension
This is a simple process and the method of getting the plastic hanger over the girder can vary
according to your particular situation. It is recommended that you utilize the 5’ PVC pipe for
applications where the girder height above the ceiling makes access with big blue difficult.
1. Access MEU in ceiling.
2. Locate the girder overhead nearest to the MEU. Select girder or cross-beam orientation
that will put the least amount of stress on the MEU cables and ports AND allow for
easiest access.
3. Based on ceiling to girder height, select proper tool set. For a low ceiling to girder
height, use Unger or ball and string.
4. Using Unger or ball and string, pass one end of the plastic hanger over the lower metal
piece of the ceiling girder.
5. Pull the end of the plastic hanger down far enough so you can create a loop of
appropriate length (at the time of this writing a set height off of the ceiling tile has not
been established. Use good judgment that allows for MEU suspension off-tile, but does
not interfere with MEU access by DST and Goliath personnel using big blue).
MEU Suspended from Ceiling
Girders at the correct height