User's Manual

Walgreens Installation Guide
Walgreens Installation Guide 2B.doc
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5/27/2008 Page: 2-49
Installation of the Transmitters (Tx/ATA) over the Sales Floor:
1) Installation of the transmitters will require cutting a hole in the ceiling tile.
Be careful to center the antenna between any adjacent fixtures.
The Tx/ATA must always be placed on a full-size ceiling tile. This allows this tile to
be relocated more easily if needed.
2) Use a 1-3/8” hole saw. Turn the hole saw counter-clockwise cutting a hole into the
ceiling tile.
Do not cut holes near the edges of the ceiling
tile as the tile will break.
Be careful to thoroughly clean the immediate
area of any debris from the cut.
3) From the back side of the ceiling tile, screw the antenna into the tile.
4) Twist the supplied rubber gasket onto the exposed portion of the antenna. If the collar
is loose and slides on the antenna then use a white or clear cable tie to keep the
rubber gasket in position snuggly against the ceiling tile.
5) Create the service loop per the previously stated standard and then connect the
coaxial cable to the antenna.