User's Manual

Walgreens Installation Guide
Walgreens Installation Guide 2B.doc
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5/27/2008 Page: 2-30
CMU Installation:
1) The CMU will be the first device installed. Do not install the antennas on the CMU
and MEU until the completion of the system test by the Help Desk.
2) Mount the CMU on the wall at the location designated during the Pre-installation
survey using the following instructions:
a) Hold the CMU on the wall at the designated location and mark the location of the
mounting brackets with a pencil. The brackets require two screws.
b) If the CMU is mounted on a sheet rock wall use plastic anchors along with the two
screws to mount it,
c) If the CMU is mounted on wood like the yellow storage closet, install two screws
directly into the wood.
d) Hang the CMU on the wall by placing the mounting brackets on the installed
screws. The screw heads should be out from the wall approximately a 1/8 inch to
hang the CMU on.
Mounting Brackets