User's Manual

USB Bluetooth Dongle User’s Manual
To configure your local file transfer service, go to Bluetooth Configuration >
Local Services > File Transfer. Here you can specify your defalut exchange folder
location and remote user access permissions.
Note: If you set the Secure Connection property of the File Transfer service of
this computer, you must be available to respond to the Bluetooth Security Code
Request sent by the other device when the other device initially attempts to
connect to this computer. Otherwise, the pairing process fails. After the two device
are paired, the other device can access the files on this computer without having to
obtain access permissions.
PIM Item Transfer
The PIM Item Transfer service allows to exchanges Personal Information Manager
items between this computer and other Bluetooth devices.
In addition to the configuration options common to all Bluetooth services, this
service also has settings that determine:
How business card requests are handled.
Where to store inbound data items, on an individual basis.
Whether to send/receive attachments with email.