User's Manual

4. Getting Started
If you have entered a menu, if not used for 30 seconds, the screen returns to the
main screen and after a sequential 20 seconds of inactivity, the phone enters
standby mode.
To resume from standby mode, just press the OK key on the wireless phone. The
message “Linking” will be briefly displayed and the phone will re-establish the RF
link with the USB dongle.
30 seconds
of inactivity
20 seconds
of inactivity
Under any menu item Returns to main screen Enters standby mode
Cannot see the
and indicators on the display?
In standby mode the RF link is temporarily disconnected, causing the and
indicators to disappear from the dispaly. Once you resume from standby
mode and the RF link is re-established, the indicators appear again.
Always Link Function
When you press the Dial / Answer key, the always link function will be enabled and
the indicator
will appear. This function is automatically disabled when you
press the Hang Up key to end a conversation. However, if a call is hanged up by
the other party and you did not press the Hang Up key, the always link will not be
disable unless you press the Hang Up key.
When always link is active, the wireless phone will not enter standby mode and
thus cause the phone to keep consuming the battery power. Therefore, when you
are not phoning, it is important that you disable the always link function.
The always link indicator appears when you are not phoning…
Make suer to press the Hang Up key to disable the always lnk function to save
your battery power.
If this icon appears when you
are not phoning, make sure to
press Hang Up to disable
always link