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/ Multi-Shot Mode
Multi-Shot mode contains three capture modes: Burst, Time Lapse
and Night Lapse.
Capture Mode Description
Burst (default)
Captures up to 30 photos in 1 second.
Perfect for capturing the definitive moment
in fast-action sports.
Time Lapse
Captures a series of photos at specified
intervals. You can use Time Lapse to capture
photos of any activity, so you can choose the
best ones later.
Night Lapse
Captures a series of photos at specific
intervals and exposure times. Use Night
Lapse in low light environments, such as
when capturing the night sky over a period
of time. For available exposure times and
examples of when to use them, see Shutter
in Mult-Shot Settings.
PRO TIP: For longer exposure times during the day, use Night Lapse.