User's Manual

58 59
Customizing Your GoPro
Check the top of the Dashboard to see your connection status.
GPS is on (white)
GPS is o (gray)
GPS is unavailable (gray)
Camera is connected to the GoPro app (white)
Camera is not paired to the GoPro app (gray)
Camera is not connected to the GoPro app (gray)
Auto Upload is on and ready (white)
Auto Upload is o (gray)
Auto Upload is on, but not ready (gray)
Preferences let you set up your GoPro any way you want.
Turn on wireless connections, connect new devices, set the Wi-Fi band,
and more. To learn more, see Connecting to the GoPro App (page 51)
and Setting the Connection Speed (page 52).
Heres everything you’ll nd under General settings:
Beep Volume
Choose High (default), Med, Low, or O. The volume you set here can
be toggled on or o using the Dashboard.
Default Mode
Set the mode your GoPro captures in when you turn it on using the
Mode button
. This setting does not aect QuikCapture.
Auto Power O
Choose 5 Min, 15 Min (default), 30 Min, or Never.
Customizing Your GoPro