Owner's manual

OM-010900 SERIES
A check valve in the discharge line is normally rec
ommended, but it is not necessary in low dis
charge head applications.
With high discharge heads, it is recommended that
a throttling valve and a system check valve be in
stalled in the discharge line to protect the pump
from excessive shock pressure and reverse rota
tion when it is stopped.
If the application involves a high discharge
head, gradually close the discharge
throttling valve before stopping the pump.
Bypass Lines
If it is necessary to permit the escape of air to atmo
sphere on initial priming or during the repriming
cycle, install an air bypass line ‐ sized so that it will
not affect the pump discharge capacity ‐ between
the pump and the discharge check valve. Since
this pump does not use a suction check valve, the
discharge end of the bypass line must be sub
merged in the liquid being pumped in order to
maintain suction.
The bypass line may clog frequently if the liquid
contains solids and the valve remains closed. If this
condition occurs, either use a larger bypass line or
leave the shut‐off valve open during pumping.
This pump is driven by an electric motor. Check
that the electrical service available matches the
motor requirements stamped on the motor name
plate before connecting the motor to the incoming
If rotation is incorrect on a three‐phase motor, have
a qualified electrician interchange any two of the
three phase wires to change direction. If rotation is
incorrect on a single‐phase motor, consult the mo
tor wiring diagram or the literature supplied with
the motor for specific instructions.
The electrical power used to operate the
pump is high enough to cause injury or
death. Obtain the services of a qualified
electrician to make all electrical con
Do not install and operate a non‐explo
sion proof motor in an explosive atmo
sphere. Install, connect, and operate
the motor in accordance with The Na
tional Electric Code and all local codes.
If there is a conflict between the instruc
tions in the manual accompanying the
unit and The National Electric Code or
the applicable local code, The National
or local code shall take precedence.
Refer to the following motor data before making
electrical connections.
230/460 3 60 3450 3.2/1.6
02C3-E.75 3P .75