Safety Guide

Instruction for GAT-1000
Output Reset
Pin number, value is 0-8 Output low level
Output Oneshot
Pin number, value is 0-8
Output high level for one
second then turns low level
Output Blink
<Qualifier> 1;
Pin number, value is 0-8 Flash, 1 time per 1 second
Output Blink
<Qualifier> 4;
Pin number, value is 0-8
Flash, 1 time per 0.25
Output Pulse
bit0-bit3: Times of the pulses,
bit4-bit7: define the pin number.
The original voltage level will be
maintained after the pulses.
AT Command
AT Command
AT + GEM Output? Query the level status of output pins
AT + GEM Output
<Operator> <Index>
Operate the output level of pins
The device has two digital outputs, which are open-drain output types, and the maximum drain
current is 200mA. Each output has a built-in PTC fuse to prevent over-current.
Default setting of the device is digital output, triggering any event will cause digital output
OUT1 is connected to the relay, as shown below: