User manual

36 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
For example:
APPLY 5.0,2.5 Set the supply to an output of 5.0V rated at 2.5A
Executing the low-level commands has the same effect as this command. Please refer to the last section.
This command queries and returns the power supply’s present voltage and current values for each output.
For example:
APPLy? Query and return the voltage and the current set values of the power supply.
4.21 Output Setting and Operation Commands
This section describes the low-level commands used to program the output of power supply. Although the APPLy command
provides the most straightforward method to program the output of power supply, the low-level commands give you more
flexibility to change individual parameters, which include output selection commands, measurement commands, output
on/off and tracking operation commands and output setting commands.
4.22 Measurement Commands
This command measures and returns the current value at the output terminals of the power supply. The physical output of
measurement is specified by the output identifier. If any output identifier is not specified, the current of the selected output is
This command measures and returns the voltage value at the output terminals of the power supply. The physical output of
measurement is specified by the output identifier. If any output identifier is not specified, the voltage of the currently selected
output is returned.
4.23 Output on/off and Tracking Operation Commands
Output[:STATe] {OFF|ON}
This command enables or disables the output of the power supply.
For example
OUTPUT ON Enable the output
OUTPUT OFF Disable the output
This command queries the output state of the power supply and returns the corresponding values. “OFF” shows the output is
disabled, and “ON” shows the output is enabled.