User manual

GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 39
4.29 Trigger Commands
This command causes the trigger system to initiate. This command initiates the trigger subsystem when the trigger source is
bus and completes one full trigger cycle when the trigger source is the internal immediate.
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay{<second>| MINimum | MAXimum}
This command sets the time delay between the detection of an event on the specified trigger source and the start of any
corresponding trigger action on the power supply output. Select from 0 to 3600 seconds. MIN = 0 second. MAX = 3600
seconds. At *RST, this value is set to 0 second.
This command queries the trigger delay set by bus.
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce {BUS | IMMediate}
This command selects the source from which the power supply will accept a trigger. The power supply will accept a bus
trigger or an internal immediate trigger. At *RST, the bus trigger source is selected.
This command queries the present trigger source and returns “BUS” or “IMM”.
This command generates a trigger to the trigger subsystem that has selected a bus trigger as its source. The command has
the same effect as the Group Execute Trigger (GET) command.
4.30 System-Related Commands
DISPlay[:WINDow][:STATe] {OFF | ON}
This command turns the front-panel display on or off. When the display is turned off, messages are not sent to the display
and all annunciators are disabled except the “ERR” and “REM” annunciators.
The display state is automatically turned on when you return to the local mode. After pressing the “Local” key to return to the
local state from the remote interface, press any key except for the number keys, knobs, “Resolution”, “Clear”, ”Enter”, and
“Track” keys, or “power-on/reset” key to switch to the display status automatically.
This command queries the front-panel display setting and returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON).
DISPlay[:WINDow]:TEXT[:DATA] <quoted string>
This command displays a message on the front panel. The power supply will display up to 12 characters in a message in the
form of English letters, Arabic numerals and the blank spaces. Any additional characters are truncated. Each special mark is
displayed in the form of the blank space with individual display space. (Except for the single quotes which indicate the start
and the end of the character string message.) The power supply will not send the output to the display when a message is
shown on the front panel.
This command queries the message sent to the front panel and returns a quoted string.
This command clears the message displayed on the front panel, and makes the display exit the character string displaying
mode to switch to the immediate mode automatically.
This command makes the power supply generates a single beep immediately.