Owner's manual

Export and Save Recordings (files)
¾ When the recording is complete, click the STOP ( ) button on the control panel
and return the tone arm to the rest position on your turntable.
¾ Your recording is now downloaded as a data file on your computer.
¾ You may play back the recording on your computer using Audacity, click ( ) to play.
1. Click the File tab on the Audacity Control Panel. Select “Export” to save the file.
2. The window below will appear. Click Export. The Format should default to the MP3
format, however you can select other audio formats such as WAV.
Record to CD
Record to CD by copying or dragging the recorded files from the saved location on
your PC to Windows Media Turntable or iTunes platform. From either platform your
recordings can be burned to CD or converted to another audio format as may be
For further details regarding Audacity recording and editing detail for Mac , Audacity’s home
page offers a series of references. To access these materials go
to www.audacity.sourceforge.net
, click on the ‘Help’ & ‘Contact Us’ tabs and refer to the items
highlighted as Tutorial, Tips and Wiki.