Safety Instructions

Preset Mode
3A6673B 17
5. Use the UP or DOWN ARROW button on
the keypad to highlight CALIBRATE (FIG.
25) and then press the center ENTER
button on the keypad to select the
6. The calibration k-factor screen shown in
IG. 26 displays.
7. Use the RIGHT ARROW button on the
keypad to highlight +/- and press the
center ENTER button on the keypad to
select the +/- option (FIG. 27).
8. The k-factor adjustment screen shown in
FIG. 28 displays.
9. Use the UP and DOWN ARROW to
increase or decrease the displayed
k-factor (F
IG. 29) until the new k-factor
displays on the screen.
10. Note the current k-factor is displayed. In
the example shown in FIG. 30 the k-factor
is 169.
FIG. 25
FIG. 26
FIG. 27
FIG. 28
FIG. 29
FIG. 30