Buying Guides

What is "booking"?
Booking refers to how the wallpaper should “rest” while the glue activates. Booking allows the
paste to penetrate the wallpaper while keeping the paste from drying out before hanging it.
Once the glue has been activated on pre-pasted strips or spread on un-pasted ones, you should
lay the strip pattern-side down on a flat surface. Gently fold the ends of the strip back towards
the center so the pasted sides are touching. Do not allow the folds to crease or you may leave a
permanent mark. Follow the manufacturers recommended time for booking before hanging the
strip. You do not need to “book” the wallpaper when using the Paste-the-Wall method.
What is “pattern repeat”?
Pattern repeat measures the design on your wallpaper. It is the vertical distance between one
point in the pattern and where that identical point appears again. Pattern repeats can vary in
size, some being as big as 25-inches or as small as 1-inch. The pattern repeat is important to keep
in mind when deciding how much wallpaper to order.
What is a “design match”?
Design match describes the way to join two sheets of wallpaper so the patterns match up. The
design match for your wallpaper is generally indicated on the product page. There are multiple
types of design match, the main three being free match, straight match, and offset match.
What is “offset match”?
When using an offset design match, also called drop match, the design expands beyond the
width of one roll and therefore needs to match the strips around it both horizontally and
vertically. Offset designs are the most difficult to align and require you to determine which strips
will go where before you begin. The half-drop match repeats at the ceiling line on every other
strip creating a diagonal pattern sequence. Offset matches also require more wallpaper and
create more waste. You would need three strips of wallpaper to repeat the vertical design.
What is “straight match”?
When using a straight design match, the wallpaper design begins and ends within the width of
the roll. This makes it easy to see where the seams should line up. The match begins at the ceiling
line ensuring that the design will match up on either side of the strip. This creates a horizontal
pattern sequence.
What is “free match”?
When using a free design match, also called random match, you don’t have to worry about
lining up the design at the seams. This makes free match wallpaper easy to install and great for
beginners. Using a free match wallpaper, such as a texture or vertical stripes, will reduce the
amount of wasted paper since you won’t have to cut away extra paper to match a design.